The essential feature of anxiety is acute apprehension and worry, and can include physical symptoms as fatigue, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, irritability, and problems with sleep. Anxiety may be triggered by a particular source, or by a variety of issues or events that we may not even be aware that are upsetting us. In therapy, we can help you manage the tendency to worry “too much”, and show you how to diminish unproductive anxiety. We use techniques such as muscle relaxation, biofeedback, breathing exercises, time-management tools, and other proven methods to reduce anxiety. We also utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ‘s methods.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Anxiety
Anxiety is usually characterized by constant and persistent worrying. For example, “What if X happens,” and “then Y will occur but what if,” – this cycle of worry continues! When you worry excessively, you tend to feel anxious, physically tense and overwhelmed. Many people with anxiety can feel that their worry or anxiety cannot be controlled – and this intense disorder is the part of their personality.
People suffering from anxiety – i.e. excessive worrying or uncontrollable worries don’t realize that constant worrying in anxiety is a perfectly treatable problem. In addition, guidelines produced by the Canadian Psychological Association recommend CT for all types of anxiety disorders. CBT is the most effective treatment to overcome anxiety disorder – which likewise has the longest duration of effect.
So, when you feel any of the following symptoms, don’t waste your time and contact us immediately so that we start treating your anxiety disorder with CBT.
Frequent feelings of anxiety and excessive worrying about your life.
Prediction of disasters one after another.
Thinking that worrying prevents bad things from happening.
Intolerance towards any degree of uncertainty.
The feeling of worrying becoming out of control
Unable to turn off worries – and anxiety affecting your daily life.
Hard to sleep, nausea, aches, pains, hopelessness, indecisive, or difficulty concentrating.
No longer enjoy events or activities which used to be pleasurable.
Feeling chronically depressed or anxious.
When you should seek help from us?
If you have any of the following symptoms, you can contact us to get our expert advice.
A persistent feeling of unhappiness or low mood.
A sense of inadequacy and worthlessness with a loss of confidence.
Bad feelings, anxiety, irritability, and guilt.
General aches and pains, a loss of energy, and little motivation to do certain things.
Loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities.
Eating less or more – changes in appetite.
Sleep disturbance – i.e. early morning waking or difficulties getting off to sleep.
Reduction in sex drive and/or loss of interest in sex.
Difficulty in paying attention, loss of concentration, and/or remembering things.
A sense of helplessness and hopelessness about the future.
Having problems beings around people that lead to isolating self.
Thoughts of suicide and death.
Unhelpful, self-critical, negative, and extreme thoughts.